
The Cost of Bailouts

MIT GCFP and MIT DCI co-host talk by President of Deutsche Bundesbank

Presentation and Fireside Chat with Boston Fed President/CEO

MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy

Public Policy

Fall JOIM Conference cosponsors with Center for Finance and Policy – October 4th-6th


The Fall 2015 JOIM Conference will be held October 4-6, 2015 at the Marriott in Cambridge, MA. This event will be cosponsored with MIT Sloan and the MIT Center for Finance and Policy (CFP).

Featured presenters:

Robert Merton, MIT Sloan School of Management, Keynote Speaker
Jeffrey Bohn, State Street Global Exchange
Andrew Lo, MIT Sloan School of Management
Debbie Lucas, MIT Center for Finance and Policy (CFP)
Robert Pozen, MIT Sloan School of Management

Risk Managers, Portfolio Managers, Pension Managers, Senior Executives of Financial Firms, Plan Sponsors, Endowments, Finance Professors and Students would all benefit from attending these conferences.  Attendance is limited. We are accepting annual memberships on a first come, first served basis with guest attendance on an as available basis.

Please visit the JOIM conference website by clicking here.